I thought I would share the email I sent my list today.

This week I have taken you along with me on my journey to get my emails looking good on all devices.

Some may wonder, “What’s the big deal?”

Appearance and perception are everything. If you go to a website and it looks like garbage, then you leave the page. You aren’t going to waste your time on a site with graphics that look like a third grader made them. If it is difficult to navigate you won’t stick around.

The same is true with emails. If it is difficult to read on your phone, and you use your phone to check your emails, will you read it, or just delete it?

Deleted emails don’t make sales. Now, I had always used Word Wrap and the HTML in Aweber to write my emails. They always looked good. Word Wrap doesn’t work with the changes Aweber made. In order to get the emails looking good on the phone, they looked very bad on the PC.

I am thrilled to say that yesterday’s email looked like it should have on my PC and on my phone. Now I just need to do a new video for my YouTube channel to show what I did.

It was a struggle, but perseverance paid off.

What are some of your struggles? What do you need help with?

Reply to this email and let’s see if we can get you past a struggle or two.

Live life on your terms,


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Feel free to comment below with your thoughts or if you have something you need help with.

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